Thanksgiving was crazy fun this year! It was quite the semi-planned extravaganza! With my brother, Brendan, now a Soldier, you never know which plan of the many will work out. Luckily, we kind of had it all!
First, my mom and youngest brother, William, came up on Monday before Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun going to lunch, grabbing some Starbucks, and hitting up Costco.
Note: Thanks mom for grabbing some photos that I stole from your Facebook page! LOL Love you!
And, an added bonus - I was able to have lunch with Andrew on Tuesday!! He introduced me to all of his classmates and they are just the sweetest little kids. I was so happy to see his little face light up when he saw me waiting for him outside the lunchroom. Love him!
Speaking of Tuesday, that is when my Dad and the other guys showed up! Christopher and Sean, that is. Unfortunately, James had to work. Darn you, Black Friday! (By the way, every time I write my brothers names... I ALWAYS have to hit backspace because I keep typing in Brendan's name after Christopher. LOL It's getting annoying...)
All the guys hanging out in the kitchen. And, yes, I apparently have 2 small Soldiers-In-Training of my own! |
Oh, and while on the topic of Soldiers... We found out on Monday on our way to Costco that we were able to see Brendan for Thanksgiving! So, Thanksgiving got moved to Wednesday for us here in Alabama.
Tired parents LOL But, hey, at least we got our First Thanksgiving in our new home photo!! |
Love this guy! My youngest brother with my youngest baby! <3
After we had everything heating up in the ovens, I took some of us down the trail behind our awesome neighbor's house to the Cahaba River. Love it! |
This guy. LOL He is so silly, but he is pretty awesome, too. This is another one to be proud of. He is headed to the Navy in April. He is going to work with nuclear subs!!! (I'll get his actual job title soon.) |
Thursday morning we woke up, packed up and headed to Augusta, Georgia to Fort Gordon to have Thanksgiving fun with Brendan!
Of course, we couldn't leave with out grabbing a Thanksgiving Photo!
Oh, and we couldn't leave without coffee... Fun cups are found at Target, people! Ok, everything fun is found at Target!
Brendan!!!!! How awesome does he look?! |
This photo must have been after we left to get the kids to bed. I can only imagine the jokes that were being cracked at The Huddle House! I mean, come on... Look at those smirkity-smirks. What are y'all talking about!? |
Friday, we headed back over to Brendan with lunch (mom, dad, and the guys stayed just a few blocks from Brendan's barracks) and games!
Lunch time!
Game time!! |
Afterwards, we all headed out to see the cool Army tanks and other vehicles. Very cool. The boys loved it!
I love this pic. Really. I mean this is the truth right here. Trying to
get everyone together for a pic when you have this many people is hard. But, it is imperfectly perfect, ya know?
"Family: We may not have it all together
but, together we have it all."
Of course, a picture will be had, people! So, snap to it and smile!
From the left: Dad, Christopher, Jason, Austin holding Brendan's hand, William, Andrew, Sean and I, Aria, and Alex |
Wow, what a week!!
My family and fun times at our house!
Thanksgiving Day lunch at Fort Gordon's Huddle House with Brendan!
And, a fun weekend with Jason's family!
Note: I'm terrible... I know... We had so much fun with everyone doing everything that other than the few pics I snapped and the ones I stole from mom... I totally missed taking any pics of the rest of the week. Jason may have taken a few. So, perhaps an update to the post will appear soon. :)