Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Busy, Busy Day! {#31days}

Man. Oh, man. What a day!! It's been fun, busy, and stressful all at the same time!! So much to get done and just not enough time, but I'm making it all work somehow.

We got our school work done this morning right after breakfast just to get it all out of the way. They really like today's work because it was ALL about space. They learned about the solar system, the moon, and constellations. Like Alex's shirt? Ha! I do what I can.

After a few things were taken car of around the house and lunch (and goodies and extra drinks) were packed, we headed out. First, stop the library! We had some books to pick up and books to look for. We also met up with our friends for story time.

Next stop - lunch at a new-to-us playground. If you are in the area, Veteran's Park is pretty cool. I love that there is no mulch... I hate that stuff... I know. I am weird. Anyway, we killed some more time there. I let Austin play and swing a bit, while Alex and Andrew ran around all over the place. I had to wear them out before leaving for the next place.

And that place was... Andrew's eye appointment. Gasp! Yeah. I know. Alone with three kids at an eye appointment. Oh, my. I found out that 5 year old children have superhuman strength... Andrew did his first eye check, then he had to get his eye dilated. Super fun. He totally flipped out. I don't blame him. I hate eyeballs. And, usually I have Jason taken him, but it just wasn't in the cards. So, I had to be strong and just not look. I know. I have a serious problem. I'm aware. I can't even put drops in my own eyes. Just...ew. Not. Happening.

While we waited to see the doctor, Andrew snuggled up a bit with me while we took pictures of Austin. Once we were called back again, we found out that Andrew has become a bit more farsighted and needs a stronger prescription... Around age 10 he should start to drop the glasses though. But we will see.

Anyway, it was quite a busy day for us and everyone is chilling out in the living room while Austin takes a quick catnap to recharge for his Daddy.

I, on the other hand, need to go dry my hair. Mama gets a night out tonight with her girls! Yay!



If you are wondering how I got through the day... It was a lot of praying in between each stop and a lot of quiet but serious "If you don't stop that right now, you are going to be in major trouble, little man" through gritted teeth complete with a scary grin.

Life with boys....gotta love it!

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are so cute and you are so funny. I'll be sticking around. :-)


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